Angels in disguise

Angels in disguise
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Monday, February 23, 2009

Books we recommend

It is an immense privilege to learn from and share insights with like-minded people. As Social Networking becomes the new mode of co-operative marketing, we are excited by the opportunity to distribute these books to our circle of influence. All of them have greatly blessed us in our consulting practice, our business and our fund-raising intiatives.

Dreams Come True- Ilze Stoltz and Chiaki Satoh: a true story of faith, courage and love overcoming a life of victimazation to become a blessing to others. A third of proceeds from sales go towards the Dreams Come True Refugee Fund to help victims of xenophobic attacks in South Africa re-build their lives.

Go to for information on how to order.

How to track, set and manage goals- compiled by Stefanie Hartman. This is by far the most incisive book on goal-achievement ever written.

"Wealthy people think on paper" is an old proverb that you will begin to live when you start using this workbook. Go to to order the e-book.

The Bliss Factor- by Milana Leshinsky. Thank you Milana for this precious gift. When we first arrived in Lesotho, everyone thought we were crazy to establish a fund-raising and wealth-creation venture here. Thanks to the inspiration from people like Milana, we have tapped into our Bliss Factor and are loving every minute of the work we do. Limited offer available at

Go to for this speacial offer and other excellent products. "I'm Rich beyond my wildest dreams" by Tom and Penelope Pauley revolutionised our thinking. We approached the Rich Dreams system with a great deal of skepticism as the titles seemed to suggest "prosperity preaching" which we are very wary of. But after getting to know Tom, Diane, Penelope, Chris and Alex through their video blog, we decided to take the plunge and have not looked back since. This system is truly amazing. Within two months of using it, our entire team has reached 76% of its goals and objectives for 2009. This is truly a gift that keeps on giving. Thank you, thank you, thank you to the Rich Dreams team for the work you do.

Readers in Southern Africa who do not have access to online payment facilities can write to : Life Ministries Lesotho, P.O.Box 1668, Maseru 100 Lesotho to request hard copies of materials. Prices will be negotiated with affiliates with orders received.

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